Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Brown rice, Chicken and Asparagus

This was the Recipe of the Week (Recipe of the Week in our household is decided not by taste or popular choice, but by how long it lasts during the week and how many times we can reheat and eat it).
Also adapted from Rachel Ray's kitchen (I should be paying her!), this is a modified version of her Rice-cooker chicken and asparagus.

I cook the rice in a stock pot, instead of a rice-cooker.

Here's the modus operandi.

Cover 1 cup of brown rice in 2 1/2 cups of chicken broth (or 1 cup of broth and 2 cups of water) and cook in a stock pot.
Cut 3/4-1 lb chicken breast into bite size pieces. Transfer the chicken to a shallow bowl. Add tarragon, salt, pepper, chilli powder, paprika, lemon juice and zest and set aside.
When the rice is done, remove the lid and spread the chicken in a single layer over the rice, then sprinkle onion (1, meduim sized, chopped) and garlic (2-3 cloves) over the chicken. Spread the asparagus (10-15 spears) in an even layer on top, then pour 1/2 cup of chicken broth around the edge of the rice cooker; cover the rice cooker.
Turn on the rice cooker again and cook until the chicken is done, about 10-15 minutes. Toss the mixture well before serving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.